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Upgrading EgressGateway

This guide walks you through upgrading EgressGateway using the helm upgrade command.

Basic Command Format

helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]
  • [RELEASE] → The name of the installed release.
  • [CHART] → The Helm chart reference.
  • [flags] → Additional options.

For a full list of options, refer to the Helm upgrade documentation.

Version Upgrade

Follow these steps to upgrade EgressGateway to a newer version:

Step 1: Update Local Helm Chart Repository

Ensure you have the latest Helm chart version:

helm repo update

Step 2: Check Available Versions

List the available EgressGateway chart versions:

helm search repo egressgateway

Step 3: Upgrade to a Specific Version

Use the following command to upgrade:

helm upgrade \
  egress \
  egressgateway/egressgateway \
  --reuse-values \
  --version [version]

Replace [version] with the desired version number.

💡 Tip: The --reuse-values flag ensures that your existing configuration is retained.

Configuration Upgrade

If you need to update configuration values during the upgrade, follow these steps:

Step 1: Check Available Configuration Options

Refer to the EgressGateway values documentation for all configurable parameters.

Step 2: Apply Configuration Changes

To change specific parameters, use the --set flag. For example, to update the Egress Agent log level to debug, run:

helm upgrade \
  egress \
  egressgateway/egressgateway \
  --set agent.debug.logLevel=debug \

This command:

  • Retains existing values (--reuse-values).
  • Overrides only the specified field (agent.debug.logLevel).

By following these steps, you can safely upgrade EgressGateway while preserving your existing configuration. 🚀
