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Domain Name Management

The microservice gateway supports the full lifecycle management of domain names, including adding, updating, and deleting domain names. Through domain name management, you can apply a domain name to multiple apis of the gateway and configure gateway policies at the domain name level.

Add domain name

To add a domain name, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the name of the target gateway to enter the gateway overview page. Then click Domain Management in the left navigation bar and Add Domain in the upper right corner of the page.

    add domain

  2. Fill in the configuration information

    The domain name configuration information consists of Basic Info (mandatory) and Policy Settings (optional) and Security Settings(optional).

    • Domain name: cannot be modified after a domain name is created.
    • Protocol: HTTP is selected by default. If you select HTTPS, you need to provide an HTTPS certificate.

      Currently, only existing certificates can be selected. Automatic certificate issuance and manual certificate upload features are being developed.


    • Local current limiting: refer to Local Rate Limit

    • Cross-domain: refer to Cross-domain

      fill in configuration

  3. Click OK in the lower right corner of the page

    Click OK , and the Domain Management page is automatically displayed. You can view the newly created domain name in the domain name list.

    add successfully

Update domain name

You can modify the basic information and policy configuration of a domain in two ways.

  • In the Domain Management page find need to update the domain, on the right side click , choose Edit Basic Settings or Edit Policy Settings or Edit Security Settings .

    Update the basic information on the list page

  • Click the domain to go to the domain details page. Click Edit Basic Settings at the upper right corner of the page to update basic information and Edit Policy Settings to update policy and Edit Security Settings to update security settings.

    Updated on the details page

Delete domain name


  • A domain name that is being used by the API cannot be deleted. You need to delete the API before deleting the domain name.
  • The domain name cannot be restored after being deleted.

You can delete a domain name in two ways.

  • In the Domain Management page to find the need to delete the domain name, the click and select Delete .


  • Click the page to enter details of the domain name, domain name at the upper right corner of the page by clicking on the right and select Delete .


    If the domain name is being used by an API, click Check Service Details to delete the corresponding API.

