Microservice Engine Releases Notes¶
This page lists the release notes of Microservices to help you learn its feature development and bug fixing progress.
- Improved UI and user experience
- Fixed the issue with the Nacos load balancing mode API
- Fixed the display issue of global rate limiting server tags
- Fixed the logging issue of the Nacos list
To support rolling updates of gateway logs and add debugging tools, the gateway runtime has been upgraded to the private version v0.32.0-dcv3 (built on Envoy v1.32.0; if the rolling update function for gateway logs is not needed, the community version Envoy v1.32.0 can still be used).
- Added support for custom annotations on the gateway creation page.
- Added automatic log file splitting and rolling update capabilities for gateways.
- Fixed an issue where resources couldn't be loaded when the username is in Chinese
- Fixed an issue where default values for advanced gateway configurations were ineffective
- Fixed an issue with meaningless annotations appearing when editing gateways
- Improved the logic for rolling updates of gateway logs to prevent log loss (upgraded gateway runtime to private version v0.31.0-dcv2).
- Improved security by disabling the /debug/pprof interface of the skoala-agent.
- Improved Nacos, upgrading from version to 2.4.3 (the stable version remains at 2.3.2).
- Improved the default network connection limit for gateways to mitigate performance issues caused by low default values.
- Improved the Skoala Init Helm Chart by removing the detection of Insight CRD ServiceMonitor to prevent incomplete component installations.
- Improved the upgrade of the gateway control plane Contour to v1.30.1-0be3efa.
- Improved the gateway runtime by upgrading to private version v0.31.0-dc to support log rolling updates (the community version Envoy v1.31.0 remains available if rolling updates are not needed).
- Added detection for the installation status of MetalLB.
- Added support for custom dns-lookup-family capabilities in the gateway.
- Added global rate limiting rule management.
- Added support for built-in global rate limiting plugin templates.
- Fixed an issue where gateway plugins could not be displayed in the interface
- Fixed an issue with abnormal annotations when calling container management components
- Fixed an issue where the delete operation for gateway APIs did not meet expectations
- Fixed an issue with incorrect jump links in the plugin center main menu
- Fixed an issue where the interface displayed incorrectly after setting a fixed IP
- Fixed an issue where gateway rate limiting policies could not be disabled
- Fixed an issue with abnormal use of rate limiting rules in cloud-native microservices
- Fixed an issue with excessive decimal places in the display of managed resources
- Improved the logic for selecting NodePort corresponding to managed Nacos ports 8848/9848, transitioning from random port selection to filtering available ports.
- Improved Nacos, upgrading from version 2.4.1 to (the stable version remains at 2.3.2).
- Improved the upgrade of the gateway control plane Contour to v1.30.0-54ceade.
- Improved the mechanism for reading cached gateway plugins, increasing the wait time for enhanced performance.
New Features¶
- Added support for non-secure requests when the domain is HTTPS.
- Fixed an issue preventing the display of skoala-init installation status by namespace.
- Fixed gateway statistics not aligning with expectations during multi-replica gateway operation.
- Fixed an issue of missing CRDs during installation.
- Fixed the offline image logic.
- Fixed incomplete audit log records.
- Fixed unexpected Nacos instance status when the hosting cluster becomes unavailable.
- Fixed unexpected gateway instance status when the gateway cluster becomes unavailable.
- Fixed the failure of HTTPS POST requests to the gateway API when debugging HTTP domains without skipping certificate verification.
- Fixed incorrect logic in displaying gateway API policies.
- Fixed unexpected Nacos instance status when the hosting instance's port is occupied.
- Fixed the absence of Pod IPs in the gateway worker node instance list.
- Improved certificate and token management logic.
- Improved support for custom plugins in cloud-native microservices.
- Improved the supported version of hosted Nacos from v2.4.0.1 to v2.4.1.
- Fixed an issue where the gateway could not be used when sharing LB VIP
New Features¶
- Added support for querying service instances in Nacos based on metadata labels
- Added the display of fixed IP addresses for nodes in the gateway instance overview
- Fixed an issue where the gateway control plane did not restart as expected in certain situations
- Fixed an issue with the unavailability of managed Nacos namespace-related APIs
- Fixed the API name validation issue when importing gateway APIs
- Fixed the CVE-2024-41110 vulnerability in management components
- Improved the upgrade of the gateway runtime Envoy to v1.31.0
- Improved the upgrade of the gateway control plane Contour to v1.30.0-d59d534
- Improved the configuration for extending the validity period of gateway certificates, with a default duration of 5 years, applicable when updating or creating new gateways
- Improved the upgrade of Nacos to v2.4.0.1, with the default version being the stable v2.3.2
- Improved the dependency detection of related resources when deleting Nacos namespaces
- Improved the gateway deletion functionality, now allowing forced deletion of gateways with abnormal statuses
- Improved the validation logic for gateway domain name security policies
- Improved the display capabilities for exception messages when importing gateway APIs
When upgrading from any version to 0.40.x, due to the reasons related to the Gateway API community version, manual handling of CRD upgrades is required. Refer to Skoala 0.40.x Upgrade Notes.
- Fixed an issue with the unavailability of managed Nacos namespace-related APIs
- Fixed an issue with the unavailability of managed Nacos namespace-related APIs
Skoala 0.40.x Upgrade Notes¶
Affected Versions¶
You may be affected if you upgrade from any version to 0.40.x.
The 0.40.x version includes updates to related Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Since the custom resources in the crds
directory of the skoala-init Chart do not automatically update with installation, the updated CRD for this release is the gateway-api CRD, and the BackendTLSPolicy upgrade requires manual intervention. Due to compatibility issues within the community regarding this update, refer to the relevant issue on kubernetes-sigs.
Steps to upgrade¶
Please follow these steps to manually update the gateway CRD files that need upgrading:
Delete BackendTLSPolicy:
Manually update the gateway-related CRD files:
- Fixed an issue with incorrect display of gateway plugin names.
- Fixed an issue where the distributed transaction component could not be edited due to incorrect database addresses.
- Fixed an issue where managed Nacos instances could not be edited when deployed via NodePort if the port was occupied.
- Fixed an issue where the Top 10 total request count data for gateway requests did not meet expectations.
- Fixed an issue where the Sesame management component encountered errors when injecting the Istio Sidecar.
- Improved compatibility with Istio v1.23.0.
- Improved to resolve thread leakage issues in the Hive management component.
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect version of the Nacos image.
- Added support for integrating LDAP authentication in Nacos.
- Added logic for removing associated resources when Nacos is deleted.
- Added display of policy activation status in gateway domain names, APIs, and service lists.
- Added pre-deletion detection capability for Nacos.
- Added support for displaying detailed gateway exception information.
- Added a rule tag column to the lists of gateway services, APIs, and domain names.
- Fixed issues related to gateway and plugin permissions.
- Fixed startup issues with Nacos under abnormal conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the Nacos deletion operation interface did not return the expected results.
- Fixed an issue where the default tag added after the gateway was enabled was incorrect.
- Improved the Docker base image to version 3.20.1.
- Improved permission logic to automatically generate permission points from API definitions.
- Deprecated ListGatewayPodsByType.
- Fixed an issue with the display of the Top 10 APIs in gateway statistics.
- Added gateway access to the registration center service supports auto-fill and multi-instance.
- Added custom data for gateway logs.
- Added API testing capabilities integrated within the gateway
documentation. - Fixed an issue with pulling offline package public images.
- Fixed an issue where setting Nacos environment variables had no effect.
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect ratio of gateway memory setting when set as a decimal to maximum heap memory.
- Fixed a permission issue related to domain name queries in gateway logs.
- Fixed an issue with abnormal display of related times in the registration center.
- Improved by upgrading Ghippo integration SDK to v0.28.0-dev1.
- Improved permission dependency logic to align with the new version of the Ghippo SDK.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect version display in Nacos managed details.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect redirect link for microservice JVM monitoring.
- Fixed an issue with abnormal API call for traffic lane diversion rules.
- Fixed an issue with username and password configuration for Nacos integration in distributed transactions not meeting expectations.
- Added support for displaying exception information of distributed transaction components in the overview.
- Added status code filtering support in gateway logs.
- Added configurability for Nacos JVM implementation.
- Added new log query functionality related to gateway API testing.
- Added support for multiple instances of external services in the gateway.
- Added customizable passwords for Nacos associated with Seata.
- Fixed an issue with abnormal display on the gateway API details page.
- Fixed an issue with local rate-limiting policy in the gateway not functioning properly.
- Fixed an issue with domain-level authentication plugin not disabling correctly.
- Fixed an issue with filtering and checking the gateway's root namespace.
- Fixed an issue with Chinese appearing in the English version of the Sentinel monitoring dashboard.
- Improved managed Nacos version to 2.3.2, replacing version 2.3.1.
- Improved API and added workspace isolation capabilities.
- Improved gateway plugins and custom plugin logic.
- Improved service mesh integration logic.
- Improved gateway control plane component versions and related custom resources.
- Improved gateway API export function to skip traffic lane-related APIs.
Important: Version 0.37.x has updated related Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Since custom resources in the Chart crds directory are not automatically updated during installation, please manually apply the relevant CRDs to the worker cluster after upgrading. The file is located at: skoala-init/charts/contour-provisioner/crds/contour.yaml
- Fixed missing permissions for cloud-native microservice traffic swimlane drainage rules
- Fixed abnormal link information reporting after injecting gateway into the mesh sidecar
- Added Log query functionality for gateway API testing
- Added Support for multiple instances of external services for the gateway
- Added API latency statistics for the gateway
- Added Exception information for distributed transaction component in the overview
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed abnormal Nacos and database configurations for distributed transactions
- Fixed inaccurate display of memory resource configuration for the gateway
- Fixed inaccurate exception information for Nacos and distributed transaction components
- Fixed abnormal saving of gateway API with certificates
- Fixed occasional abnormality in gateway log query
- Improved Replace Nacos with version 2.3.1 instead of 2.3.0
- Improved prompt for unavailable ClusterIP in gateway API testing
- Fixed an issue of inaccurate permissions in the microservice engine module in the global management
- Fixed abnormal saving of global rate limiting in the gateway
- Fixed abnormal memory configuration when creating a gateway
- Fixed abnormal maximum heap memory configuration at runtime in the gateway
- Fixed abnormal time display in relation to Eureka in the registration center
- Fixed abnormal creation of Seata with custom password in Nacos
- Fixed database initialization exception in Seata
Important: In version 0.35.x, Gateway API related custom resources (CRD) have been updated. Since the chart update does not automatically apply CRD changes, please manually apply the CRD: skoala-init/charts/contour-provisioner-prereq/crds/gateway-api.yaml
- Fixed error when creating a domain in the gateway
- Fixed mismatch in managed Nacos resource checks
- Fixed abnormal API status after enabling health check port for domain in the gateway and adding health check configuration in API
- Fixed incorrect API statistics overview in the gateway
- Fixed abnormal registration center status
- Fixed abnormal resource annotations when creating traffic lanes
- Fixed gateway custom plugin functionality issues
Important: In version 0.35.x, Gateway API related custom resources (CRD) have been updated. Since the chart update does not automatically apply CRD changes, please manually apply the CRD: skoala-init/charts/contour-provisioner-prereq/crds/gateway-api.yaml
- Added ability for cloud-native gateway API to match routes based on request parameters
- Added ability for distributed transaction Seata to use custom passwords
- Added time filtering capability for Grafana panels in distributed transactions
- Added ability to filter cloud-native microservice traffic lanes by namespace
- Fixed issues related to registration center types
- Fixed inaccurate prompt when gateway instance count is zero
- Fixed logic related to cloud-native microservices
- Fixed issue of traffic lanes list not refreshing on initial load
- Fixed incorrect display of Sentinel password
- Fixed NullPointerException when creating new API with Envoy as xdsServer
- Fixed pagination issue when mesh instance has no services
- Fixed issues resulting from changes in the service mesh module API
- Improved compatibility with distributed transaction Seata 2.0
- Improved default version to Nacos 2.3.0 for managed registration center
- Improved gateway API statistics chart algorithm to incremental statistics mode
- Fixed logic related to native microservices
- Fixed issue where traffic swim lane list does not refresh on initial load
- Fixed incorrect display of Sentinel password
- Fixed integration issues caused by changes in grid module API
- Fixed logic related to cloud-native microservices
- Fixed issues caused by changes in grid module API
- Added namespace information deployed by the gateway in gateway query port based on workbench requirements
- Improved total number of gateway log pagination queries, limited to a maximum display of 10000 list log data
- Improved error prompts for gateway log queries
- Fixed an issue with abnormal restart of gateway service component
- Fixed an issue with abnormal export of gateway logs
- Fixed an issue with incorrect display of status when the replica count of gateway workload is 0
- Fixed an issue with gateway control plane not restarting application configuration when injecting sidecars to gateway
- Fixed an issue with inconsistency between returned sidecar injection status and actual status in gateway list
- Improved the latest SDK in the mesh module to fix logic related to cloud-native microservices interfaces
- Fixed a logic related to cascading deletion in Nacos
- Added cloud native microservice monitoring resources
- Added support for connecting to a registry center with authentication mode enabled
- Added ARM architecture offline installation package release process
- Fixed an issuein updating plugin references when updating domain names
- Fixed an issue with incorrect service port in service list query
- Fixed an issue with incorrect display of log protocol fields
- Fixed an issue with unsorted results in service list API of traffic lanes
- Fixed an issue with incorrect number of instances in service list of traffic lanes
- Fixed an issue in refreshing namespace when cloud native gateway is already created
- Fixed an issue with mismatched instance status in connected Kubernetes clusters
- Fixed an issue with incorrect instance list results in connected meshes
- Fixed an issue with incorrect stop address for NodePort services in gateway
- Fixed an issue with abnormal display of Nacos services in non-default groups in registry center
- Improved Routing weight optimization to meet workbench requirements
- Improved Weight validation logic for services in gateway API
- Improved Handling of resource initial operations caused by changes in cluster access addresses
- Fixed an issue of missing protocol field display in the gateway API
- Fixed an issue of abnormal managed resources due to address changes after cluster reconnection
- Fixed an issue of incorrect statistics for abnormal gateway access
- Fixed an issue of NodePort ports being set to 0 for cluster services
- Fixed an issue of inaccurate status prompts for automatic population of cluster services and mesh services
- Fixed an issue of installation failure for Init Chart when the insight-system namespace does not exist
- Fixed an issue of missing log files for gateway management components
- Added support for managed Nacos version 2.3.0
- Added support for service and API gateway services as traffic entry points
- Added outlier instance detection
- Added details for traffic swimlane topology (traffic direction and versions)
- Added advanced configuration for heap memory in gateway runtime
- Fixed an issue of missing connection addresses in gateway service lists and service details
- Fixed an issue of missing labels after updating gateway APIs
- Fixed an issue of duplicate gateway API routing rules
- Fixed an issue of empty value for maximum heap memory in gateway runtime
- Fixed an issue of service integration when managing Nacos and mesh services
- Fixed an issue of incorrect Istio sidecar annotations injection in the gateway
- Fixed an issue of abnormal Nacos service query in the gateway
- Fixed an issue of inability to create drainage rules due to long service names in traffic swimlanes
- Fixed an issue of abnormal service port update in the gateway
- Fixed an issue of abnormal resource quota calculation when creating managed resources
- Fixed a logical issue in filtering gateway API lists based on domain names
- Fixed an issue of duplicate ports in cloud native microservice governance
- Fixed an issue of repeated judgment and duplicate conditions when multiple routes exist for an API
- Fixed an issue of abnormal error in API testing for HTTPS domain names
- Fixed an issue of abnormality when deleting Sentinel functionality
- Fixed an issue of component restart when exporting logs with empty gateway logs
- Fixed an issue of empty console address in the response of managed Nacos resource information API
- Fixed an issue of failed Seata plugin activation when the managed Nacos name has the suffix
- Fixed an issue of MySQL viewing permissions in managed Nacos middleware management
- Fixed an issue of labels in gateway interface v1alpha2 version
- Improved Skoala Agent component and added logging functionality
- Improved the gateway control plane (Contour) to v1.27.0 private branch version
- Improved the gateway runtime (Envoy) to v1.28.0 official version
- Improved the gateway dependency on Gateway API custom resources to v1.0 official version
- Improved the gateway log query index (compatible with previous versions)
- Fixed an issue of multiple duplicate route records in the gateway API
- Fixed an issue with incorrect running status of gateway
- Fixed status check issue with Nacos Operator
- Fixed status check issue with edge instance of mesh service
- Improved gateway-related APIs
- Improved query logic for gateway logs to support custom field queries
- Added API documentation management and API querying
- Added visualization of traffic swimlane for gray release, displaying the internal gray release swimlane division and data flow through views
- Fixed logic for mesh instance list in mesh mode governance
- Fixed synchronization issues with managed Nacos controllers
- Improved gateway service list API and added access address display feature
- Improved logic for synchronizing API updates after modifying services
- Improved loading speed of gateway resource list
- Improved configuration details for gateway timeout settings
- Fixed sorting issue in the gateway service list
- Fixed multiple line break issue when importing gateway APIs
- Fixed the problem where Seata Operator image does not support offline repository
- Fixed an issue with abnormal offline release process
- Added support for regular expression and exact match for gateway API request headers.
- Added support for bulk import and export of gateway APIs.
- Added support for managing multiple versions of Nacos (currently supports versions 2.0.4, 2.1.1, and 2.2.3).
- Added support for complex password requirements in Sentinel console.
- Added support for targeted gray release of Nacos configuration files.
- Added support for distributed transactions (including TCC mode, FMT mode, SAGA mode, XA mode).
- Added support for importing interfaces using Swagger standard through visual form interface.
- Fixed an issue of supporting different versions of managed Nacos.
- Fixed an issue of duplicate request methods in the gateway interface list.
- Fixed the problem of Zookeeper registry not being able to connect to instances with TLS protocol.
- Fixed an issue of domain deletion and update failure after enabling global authentication in the gateway.
- Fixed an issue of incorrect CPU usage at the namespace level in managed Nacos.
- Fixed an issue of abnormal service change when switching from NodePod mode to ClusterIP mode in managed Nacos.
- Fixed an issue of abnormal Seata interface verification.
- Fixed an issue of abnormal workspace access when switching registry center.
- Fixed the permission issue with related interfaces of managed Nacos.
- Fixed an issue with Grafana monitoring panel for managed Nacos.
- Fixed an issue with Sentinel Grafana monitoring panel.
- Fixed the accuracy issue with overall permissions.
- Improved the update logic of the gateway, which does not allow disabling HTTPS at the gateway level when the domain has enabled HTTPS.
- Improved the accuracy of audit log events.
- Improved Optimized the logic of cloud native microservice WebAssembly plugins.
- Improved the gateway health query logic on the overview page (changed from Rate to Increase).
- Improved the Swagger path by removing version information from the URL and supporting multiple versions of APIs.
- Improved Skoala Init Helm Chart to support distributed transaction controller (Seata Operator).
- Improved Skoala Agent certificate.
- Improved interface descriptions and details in all Swagger documentation.
- Improved audit log format and automatic generation mechanism.
- Improved: When releasing production versions, the Skoala Helm Chart will be published to the official container registry's System project.
- Fixed Frontend updated to version 0.18.1, resolving UI issues
- Fixed an issue of duplicate details in batch deletion response
- Fixed Problem with sorting plugin information in cloud native microservices port list
- Fixed an issue with abnormal display of traffic swimlane list
- Fixed Inconsistent container names for frontend components
Fixed Some errors in Sentinel business application monitoring reports
Improved Upgraded Insight version to 0.19.2
- Improved Upgraded Ghippo version to 0.20.0
Important Note
If your Microservice Engine version is greater than v0.24.2
, it is important to note that there are incompatible updates for versions v0.24.2
and earlier. This is due to changes in the open-source component repository address related to the gateway. To ensure a smooth upgrade process, make sure to manually delete the old gateway-api-admission-xxxxx
Job before proceeding with the update.
- Added Permission dependencies for various module functionalities
- Added Exception details API field for managed resources
- Added API interface to retrieve user permission points
- Added Duplicate check API for gateway domain creation
- Added Failure reason API information for service addition in traffic swimlane
- Added API interfaces for managed Nacos gray release
- Added Support for multiple Envoy instances in a single machine for the gateway, resolving injection failure issues for edge cars in the mesh as gateways
- Added API interface to retrieve port rate limiting rules list
- Added Regular expression and exact path matching modes for API matching in the gateway
- Added Authentication-related API interfaces for Sentinel console
- Added Export and import interfaces for API configuration in the gateway
- Added API interfaces for relevant statistics data in the gateway overview
- Fixed Inconsistent permissions between gateway service access and predefined permissions
- Fixed Incorrect representation of service governance status
- Fixed Exceptional return issue in managed Nacos configuration gray release
- Fixed an issuein service instance list in managed Nacos
- Fixed Duplicated service versions in traffic swimlane
- Fixed Abnormal service list issue in traffic swimlane
- Fixed Service deletion issue in traffic swimlane
- Fixed Null pointer exception in swimlane list when error reason is empty
- Fixed Non-functional Skoala-init Chart form mode configuration
- Improved Changed the deletion of swimlane services from delete method to put method as required.
- Improved Removed redundant permission dependencies and improved internal permission dependencies
- Improved Adapted interface display requirements for traffic swimlane
- Improved Cloud native microservice plugin interface
- Improved Changed the method of adding swimlane services from batch to single entry
- Improved Front-end component Deployment port from 80 to 8080
- Improved Upgraded Ghippo SDK to v0.20.0-dev2
Important Note
When the Microservice Engine version is greater than v0.24.2
, there are incompatible updates for versions v0.24.2
and earlier. Since the gateway involves changes in the open-source component repository addresses, it is necessary to manually delete the old gateway-api-admission-xxxxx
Job before performing the upgrade. Then proceed with the normal upgrade process.
- Fixed an issue with detection of
registry connectivity - Fixed an issue with gateway restarting due to abnormal application of plugins
- Fixed an issue with abnormal configuration of gateway verification plugins
- Fixed an issue with abnormal editing of cluster flow control rules in
Important Note
Starting from Microservice Engine version v0.24.2
, there is an incompatible update for versions v0.24.2
and earlier. This is because the gateway involves a change in the address of the open-source component repository. Therefore, before updating, you need to manually delete the existing gateway-api-admission-xxxxx
Job and then proceed with the normal upgrade process.
- Fixed an issue of incorrect version of the Agent component.
- Added interface for viewing Sentinel flow control rules.
- Added APIs for cloud native microservice governance.
- Added APIs for cloud native microservice traffic lanes.
- Added support for version 0.19 of the observability module.
- Added API for displaying audit log in the overall overview.
- Added API for displaying resources in the gateway overview page.
- Added APIs for global validation plugin capabilities at the gateway level.
- Fixed an issue of Nacos port not being updated.
- Fixed an issue of cluster flow control rules in Sentinel not being saved.
- Fixed an issue of API exception when deleting non-empty services in Nacos.
- Fixed an issue of duplicate data in gateway monitoring data.
- Fixed an issue with the use of plugins in cloud native microservices related APIs.
- Fixed an issues with gateway domain naming rules.
- Fixed an issue of incorrect version in cloud native microservice traffic lanes.
- Improved the driver name of the People's Congress Golden Warehouse database from "kb_v8r6" to "kingbase".
- Added tagging of gateway runtime mesh injection.
- Added cascading selection capability for permissions associated with middleware.
- Added API for viewing cloud native microservice flow control rules.
- Added APIs for cloud native microservice governance.
- Added component version information for cluster readiness check during managed resource installation.
- Added fuzzy search capability for various search APIs.
- Fixed an issue of incorrect external image scanning address in the pipeline.
- Fixed an issue of missing directory-level dependency for permissions associated with middleware.
- Improved the chain validation of gateway and related resource changes.
- Improved the gateway listening port from cluster IP to container port.
- Fixed page experience optimization and bug fixes.
- Fixed an issue of outdated versions in Skoala-init Chart form
- Fixed page experience improvements and issues
- Added API for cloud native microservices plugins
- Added cascading selection capability for permissions associated with middleware operations
- Fixed data exception in Insight integration
- Fixed abnormal filtering results for gateway status
- Improved chain validation for gateway and related resource changes
- Added batch online/offline interface for gateway API
- Added enhanced health check configuration for engine components
- Added support for tag caching in cache logic
- Added mandatory injection option for mesh sidecar during gateway creation and update
- Added support for filtering gateway list by status
- Added integration of audit logs
- Added license check in continuous integration
- Added storage of sensitive information in Secret in Charts
- Upgraded managed Nacos version to 2.2.3
- Upgraded Sentinel version to 0.10.5
- Fixed alignment of Insight integration data metrics with raw data
- Fixed permission inheritance issue when integrating with mSpider module
- Fixed missing governance status in Nacos instance list
- Fixed cluster flow control name issue in Sentinel
- Fixed query data not being aggregated by workspace in overall overview
- Fixed an issue where gateway can enable HTTPS even if it is disabled
- Fixed default value issue in Skoala-init Chart form data
- Improved user experience and issues with Sentinel Grafana
- Improved display of relevant resource alerts in managed resource alarms
- Refactored configuration structure of global management module
- Improved reading of managed Nacos information through Clusterpedia
- Upgraded Insight integration to version 0.17.3
- Improved flexibility of database-related configuration
- Fixed an issues with Sentinel cluster flow control API
- Fixed an issues with fuzzy query API for Sentinel rules
- Improved default values for connecting to the database to increase fault tolerance
- Positions of plugin CRDs are not correc.
- Issue related to OpenAPI publishing process.
- Set default values for database of Hive component.
- Support for Nacos v2.2.x.
- Gateway tracing.
- Cloud native microservice path rewrite API.
- Cloud native microservice timeout API.
- Cloud native microservice fault injection API.
- Cloud native microservice retry and other APIs.
- WASM plugin for Cloud native microservices.
- Skoala-init Chart adds JSON Schema.
- OpenAPI document publishing process.
- Hive supports database neutrality.
- NullPointerException in the Nacos related API.
- Displayed port of Nacos was incorrect.
- HTTPProxy spelling error in Grafana.
- SQL scripts in Nacos database initialization.
- Custom permissions of gateway.
- NullPointerException when calling Ghippo.
- Nacos service metadata interface exception.
- Error in updating domain.
- Issues when frequently calling Kpanda API.
- Inaccurate data acquisition through Insight access.
- Error occurred when querying WASM plugin.
- Error occurred after updating API routing service.
- Sentinel Token server resources.
- ZooKeeper tracing is not closed.
- Sentinel monitoring panel structure and data logic.
- Remove virtualhost CR from Gateway domain management.
- Sentinel cluster flow control API logic.
- Upgrade Ghippo to 0.17.0-rc2.
- Database initialization component "sweet has been deprecated since version 0.22.0 and will be completely removed in versions 0.23.0 and later. The data table will be automatically synchronized and updated starting from version 0.22.0, with no manual intervention required.
- Sentinel monitoring dashboard.
- Gateway being injected a service mesh sidecar.
- Format of registry address for traditional microservices with service mesh enabled.
- Data service instance is not filtered according to the cluster when selecting the hosted registry.
- Incorrect registry statistics.
- Update the Gateway component to the latest community test version.
- Cloud native microservice pagination
- "disable Istio sidecar injection" for Nacos
- Insight version to official v0.16.0
- Retry mechanism of components accessing database
- Nacos port 9848 to GRPC to work with service mesh
- Separate display of gateway access internal and external addresses
- API related to cloud native microservice governance capability
- Alert message list API
- API related to gateway using plugins
- Gateway logical API of various plugins
- Envoy configuration is not updated when the gateway is updated
- Only a single port can be added to the gateway
- Insight problems of integrating JVM queries
- Cloud native microservice governance API
- Sentinel rule cannot be stored or pulled
- Some API calls cause the program to crash when the database is not connected
- Resource state API
- Cloud native microservice governance API time unit
- Domain format verification
- Some fields of plugins are named incorrectly
- Version of Insight integrated to 0.16.0
- Add a prefix to the module name for template end service
- Virtualhost crd
- Httpproxy crd
- Skoala plugin crd
- Sentinel portal version
- Gateway domain-level whitelist
- Native service governance list API
- Native service governance editing API
- Observable JVM monitoring integration
- Visualized status of the gateway resource workload
- Gateway workload policy selection
- Contour image version
- User-defined role and API mappings
- API sort and entry in gateway overview page
- Plugins related API
- Configuration file structure
- Configuration parameter is implemented in the configuration package instead of being read directly
- Overall package structure of management components
- Management component
- Contour version to 1.24.3-ipfilter-tracing
- Envoy version to v1.25.4
- Fixed startup issues of managed Nacos
- Fixed front-end issues
- Fixed Nacos and Sentinel verify account by default
- Fixed Gateway API sorting in overview page
- Fixed CVE-2022-31045
- Plugin API
- Gateway restart
- Version cannot be updated when the plugin is updated
- Nacos and Sentinel verify account by default
- Gateway API sorting in overview page
- Custom permissions and API implementation
- APIs related to registry overview
- APIs related to gateway whitelist
- APIs related to gateway health status in overview page
- Supported Nacos versions of 2.1.2
- API for obtaining Nacos and gateway version information
- Registry statistics collector in overview page
- Registry statistics API in overview page
- Cloud native microservice list API
- APIs related to importing cloud native microservices
- Custom resource design of plugins
- APIs related to plugin management
- API to intercept gateway front-end traffic
- Package of how cascade resource operation adding transaction
- Resource restart
- Database script for initializing Nacos in Nacos Operator
- APIs related to overview Sentinel data
- APIs related to overview gateway data
- Gateway abnormal restart in gateway lifecycle management
- Capitalization of overview API path
- Nacos 2.1.2 cannot create cluster
- Traffic interception modification does not take effect
- Gateway whitelist API
- Nacos GRPC port name affect integrating Istio
- External mirror security scan in daily builds
- Streamline CI actions
- Use retry mechanism to update all resources
- Reconstruct gateway features
- APIs to separate registries and configuration centers
- APIs related to overview
- Image version of gateway-api
- IP pool loading issues of gateways under load balancer mode
- Health check issues
- Gateway NodePort
- Gateway LoadBalancer
- Statistics API of Sentinel rules
- List API of services governed by Sentinel
- Cookie rewriting policy for gateway API
- Cronjobs in overview page
- Regular collection of abnormal Sentinel jobs
- API about Sentinel cluster flow control details
- Service options to be added into gateway
- Health check policy of gateway
- Health policies in the gateway API
- API related to Sentinel statistics
- CI process with offline chart
- Security scanning for external images in daily builds
- Automatic update of image version in the chart
- Error in creating Nacos namespace
- Error in editing Nacos persistent storage
- Resource verification of Nacos lifecycle management
- Data display of gateway monitoring panel
- Ghippo link GRPC address missing
- Error of Sentinel cannot acquire cluster flow control API
- Status of managed Nacos resource is not updated
- Sentinel adaption to Nacos public strings
- Error of Sentinel resource collection API cannot aggregate instances
- Invalid Sentinel system rules
- Paging error of gateway service registries
- Error in creating service port
- Error in database initialization setup
- Use Helm commands instead of Argocd to deploy Alpha environment
- Base image CVE and upgrade to v3.17.2
- Error of chat update in release process
- Gateway-api version to v0.6.0
- Use client-go instead of clusterpedia to get to-be-updated resources
- Sentinel application monitoring template
- CI steps of building offline chart as independent
- Contour version to v1.24.1
- Envoy version to v1.25.1
- Use Chart to fix the namespace when installing skoala init
- Repetitive builder creation when building an image
- Details in Sentinel application monitor panel
- Error in Sentinel invoking Nacos interface with authentication enabled
- Error of nacos-operator frequently modifying service resources
- Add Grafana monitor panel for Sentinel service
- Insight to the latest version to support querying monitoring data by cluster name
- Gateway API support for authentication servers
- API to integrate services in managed registries
- API about Sentinel cluster flow control
- Sentinel rule concatenation error
- Error in Sentinel dashboard name
- Error in management component Chart when Service IPs are changed in production environment
- Error in Nacos controller logic
- Error in integrating egress with cluster management
- Error in dashboard of managed Nacos
- File obtain address for nacos-operator database initialization
- Sentinel image to v0.6.0
- Offline images required by init Chart
- Token to get managed Nacos
- Error in naming values in Skoala Chart
- Mirroring errors in CI flows
- Output logs to console by default
- Nacos-operator to the community version
- Enable for authentication of Nacos custom resources
- Log level of default components
- Connectivity with APIs of MySQL and Redis components
- API to support gateway JWT verification
- Logic of gateway domain verification
- API of Sentinel resource listing
- API for gateway to query services in registries
- Push Init Chart to addon helm repo after release
- Complete gitlab release operations after version release
- Dynamically change log level
- Global flow rules do not take effect after update
- Envoy log level was not set
- Error in updated gateways are not classified
- Error in database initialization of managed Nacos
- Registries are listed in descending order by update time
- Unified field name of gateway JWT
- Add "whether to enable JWT" field in gateway domain list
- Logic for Sentinel service name connector
- Upgrade Contour to version 1.23
- Upgrade Envoy to version 1.24
- Upgrade k8s.io/ related components to version 0.25
- Revert
component to community version - Revert
component to community version - Upgrade Contour to version 1.23.1
- Modified Agent component as Must not inject sidecar
- Revert default configuration of Nacos image to community version
- Remove CI flows associated with Nacos image
- Add Grafana template for Sentinel"s own monitoring
- Add configuration information of the customized gateway index
- Status error of Insight after added into microservices
- Status error of Mesh plugin after enabled in managed registries
- Error in gateway log index
- Error in pre-dependency check interface
- Logical error of Sentinel matching Nacos default namespace
- Logic error in handling port connected to the container management module is wrong