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Upgrade the microservice engine online

Before you begin, understanding the deployment architecture of the microservice engine can help you better understand the subsequent upgrade process.

The microservice engine consists of two components:

  • The skoala component is installed in the control plane cluster and is used to load the microservice engine module in the level 1 navigation bar of DCE 5.0
  • skoala-init Components are installed in the working cluster and are used to provide the core features of the microservice engine, such as creating registries, gateway instances, and so on


  • The two components must be upgraded at the same time when upgrading the microservice engine. Otherwise, version incompatibility may occur.
  • See release notes for version updates of the microservice engine.

Upgrade skoala components

Because the skoala component is installed in the control plane cluster, you need to perform the following operations in the control plane cluster.

  1. run the following command to back up the original data

    helm -n skoala-system get values skoala > skoala.yaml
  2. Add Helm repository for microservice engine

    helm repo add skoala

  3. Update Helm repository for microservice engine

    helm repo update
  4. Run the helm upgrade command

    helm --kubeconfig /tmp/deploy-kube-config upgrade --install --create-namespace -n skoala-system skoala skoala/skoala --version=0.19.2 --set hive.image.tag=v0.19.2 --set sesame.image.tag=v0.19.2 -f skoala.yaml

    Set the values of version, hive.image.tag, and sesame.image.tag to the version of the micro-service engine to be upgraded.

Upgrade skoala-init components

Because the skoala-init component is installed in a working cluster, you need to do the following once in each working cluster.

  1. Backup original parameters

    helm -n skoala-system get values skoala-init > skoala-init.yaml
  2. Add Helm repository for microservice engine

    helm repo add skoala
  3. Add Helm repository for microservice engine

    helm repo update
  4. Run the helm upgrade command

    helm --kubeconfig /tmp/deploy-kube-config upgrade --install --create-namespace -n skoala-system skoala-init skoala/skoala-init --version=0.19.2 --set nacos-operator.image.tag=v0.19.2 --set skoala-agent.image.tag=v0.19.2 --set sentinel-operator.image.tag=v0.19.2 -f skoala-init.yaml


    • Set the values of version, nacos-operator.image.tag, skoala-agent.image.tag, and sentinel-operator.image.tag to the version of the micro-service engine that you want to upgrade.
  5. You can manually delete other crd files that need to be updated and run them again as required.

    kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml
