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Global Management Tutorials

We have meticulously crafted the following video tutorials for the Global Management. We sincerely appreciate any feedback you may have. Thank you 🙏

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User and Access Control

Create Users and Grant Permissions

Refer to the Create Users and Grant Permissions documentation page.

Integration with LDAP Users and User Groups

Refer to the LDAP documentation page.

Integration with OIDC Users

Refer to the OIDC documentation page.

Workspaces and Hierarchy

Manage Workspaces

Refer to the Manage Workspaces documentation page.

Manage Folders

Refer to the Manage Folders documentation page.

Resource Quotas

Refer to the Resource Quotas documentation page.

Audit Logs

Enable Audit Logs

Refer to the Enable Audit Logs documentation page.

Disable Audit Logs

Refer to the Disable Audit Logs documentation page.

Platform Customization

Refer to the Appearance Customization documentation page.

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